When I relapsed: Tuesday 10th september 19
Went to have bloods checked and have my weekly ECG at the n&n ready for my normal appointment. I had the ECG and then went to clinic to have my bloods taken and checked. Dr laws was hanging around 'like a bad smell' (his words not mine). He wasn't himself and he wasn't very talkative, all he said was "let's check your blood results and then we will have a chat ok?". Me and mum sat there and was like we both don't like the sound of this as we both knew that obviously something wasn't right as dr lawes is never like this.
He checked my ECG and blood results and both were ok. He then told me that my treatment so far hasn't worked. I burst into tears. He told me that I will be admitted by end of the week to start chemotherapy asap and that in the future I will be having another stem cell transplant. I felt absolutely devastated about this and I cried and cried and cried, it's like my whole world has come crashing down again.
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