Hospital stay where I baffled my doctors and consultants: part 1:

Week 1: Day 1: monday 30th september 19:
Today I came up to the n&n hospital for my normal clinic appointment at 12noon. They checked my obs and bloods which showed i had a slight temperature and my neutrophils are 0. They said in clinic that I needed a platelet transfusion but the platelets wouldnt be at the hospital till about 4pm as they coming from cambridge. When it got to 4pm we went back to clinic and my tempeture had risen to 37.8°c, so the nurses and doctor in clinic decided to admit me to the ward straight away. They weighed me once I wa on the ward which said I weighed 99.3kg and found out my height is 161. The doctors on the ward put me straight back on IV antibodics again as they believe I have a infection that oral antibodics isnt working for and also I'm extremely constipated. The doctors said i need to have something to loosen my bowels so things are easier to pass.

Week 1: day 2: tuesday 1st October 19:
Today I saw dr professor bowls who said that they are changing my IV antibodics to different IV antibodics. He thinks I have an infection in my hickman line, he told me that I would be going for another chest xray at some point today. Mum visited and brought me up some bits and Bob's I needed/wanted. I went for my xray, I also got told I need some blood today and that is proberly why I am feeling so tired and lethargic. At lunchtime I walked to the canteen to get a carvery baguette that I have been craving, as I went to walk back I felt like I was going to fall over, so I sat down on a chair and rang the ward. The nurse I spoke to got a student nurse to come and get me in a wheelchair and she pushed me back to the ward. When I got back to the ward I had to have a flu swab done so they could check I'd I had flu or not. The doctors said they going to try and use the IV antibodics to see if they can get rid of my infection, they also told me that hopefully I'll start to feel better and brighter in myself by tomorrow once I've had the blood transfusion. Later on I had my blood transfusion I needed.

Week 1: day 3: Wednesday 2nd october 19:
Saw the doctor who said that as long as my tempeture stays low I can potentially go home tomorrow. I'm having laxido to try and get rid of my constipation, as I'm not allowed a suppository due to having no neutrophils as putting something from outside the body to in can cause more infection risks which we didn't want or need. Later on Dr professor bowls said that they are looking at sending me home tomorrow as long as my tempeture behaves and he said if I managed to stay at home or oral antibodics then it's great but if not I'll have to come back into hospital on IV antibodics. I had a nice surprise as the lady who was in the bed opposite me (who I made friends with), her sons were on xfactor in 2017 (leon and alex mallet) , when I realised I was shocked, alex came up to see his mum later today and I asked him for a picture and his autograph also we was talking and he asked me as his friend on facebook. He showed me him singing one of my favourite songs at the minute someone you love by Lewis capaldi. 

Week 1: day 4: Thursday 3rd October 19:
 Last night I had a really sore head which was very tender to touch at the front of my head and also my eyebrows were sore (think they coming out). I woke up this morning and my left eyebrow is still tender, I saw dr professor bowls again this morning who said they going to put me on oral antibodics and give me some more blood and platelets today. Also I've got to start GCF injections to help bring my neutrophils up. He said I can potentially go home tonight or tomorrow depending how long things take. Later on I spiked a tempeture over 38°c, I saw a junior doctor who said that the consultants and doctors have been talking and have descided that oral antibodics don't work on me and that I'd be better off staying in hospital having IV antibodics. Tonight my blood was ready for me to have the blood transfusion slightly before hand the nurse checked my obs and my obs were fine apart from my temperature which was 38.5°c, she told me that it was still okay for me to have my blood transfusion (which I know you are not allowed to have a blood transfusion if you have spiked a  temperature). Then my normal nurse came and saw me and said I was correct. 

Week 1: day 5: friday 4th October 19:
Today I had another blood transfusion and platelet transfusion. I had a funeral to go to and the doctors said I was allowed to go but straight after I'd have to come straight back to the hospital after its finished. Later on I managed to give myself my own GCF injection which the nurse watched me give it to myself to make sure I was doing it properly, the nurse said she was happy I was doing it right. Later on I met leon maller from xfactor who was visiting his mum who was opposite me, I got a picture with him and we was chatting and I also got his autograph. 
I spiked another couple of tempetures so I had a nurse do some more blood cultures from my hickman line and my arm again. Then tonight they moved me to a side room because I was extremly neutrapenic and a side room became avalible. 

Week 1: day 6: sunday 6th October 19: 
I had a rough emotional night, I kept spiking temperatures constantly, and I was feeling fed up and rough of feeling hot and cold constantly, I hardly got any seep because of this. This morning I got extreme pain in my left side boob, arm, ribs and both my kidneys felt like they had 10inch swords going through them every time I moved. At 1500pm I still hadn't seen today's doctors yet. The nurse spoke to the doctors though about my pain and about the ulcers in my mouth and about me having a white tounge, the doctors took me of provoconazole and put me on a stronger antifungal tablets called voviconazole. The nurse gave me the tablets to take and as I was about to take one I evidently dropped the rest of them all over the floor, the nurses said the doctors spoke to her and said that I'm having a chest CT scan of my chest tomorrow and they will speak to me about it when they come and see me. Mum and dad came up for a short while and apparently parts of the A47 was flooded. They brought me some food up so I wouldn't go hungry as I had gone off the hospital food. I got another temperature of 38.6°c, went to go for a walk around the ward to stretch my legs as they felt stiff, I got to my door and a nurse saw me and got another nurse and they put me straight back into my hospital bed. I have IV paracetamol and they said I was very pale in colour and I was shaking like they never seen before. They checking my obs hourly unless I ring in between feeling cold or unwell. My wisdom tooth seems to be starting to come through the nurse said to tell my doctor in the morning just incase they come through infected like my first one did. At 2342pm I had a tempeture of 39.1°c, and at 0027am my temperature was 39.2°c, so I had the doctor come see me in the middle of the night. They checked me over and did a ECG, the ECG showed I am tackycardic which they said could be because I'm in pain and discomfort. The doctor also ordered me a spine and pelvis xray for tomorrow. He said that it seems like something is going on and once I've had the xray my consultants will look at the results once they come back. I'm convinced it could be something to do with my kidneys as the pain has been radiating and I've been in pain all day and nothing has helped my pain (but I haven't seen a doctor till now 0141am). 

Week 2: day 8: monday 7th october 19:
Last night I had a horrible night of temperatures. This morning they struggled to canular in me, eventually they managed to but because I had to wait till like 2pm when I went to my CT scan and they tried to use my canular they couldn't as it hurt enormously so in the end they didn't use it. Then I had my spine and pelvis xray. I had to have a student nurse excort me and be with me as I'm not at all well and it's just in case anything happens. All day my temperature kept spiking and at one point it had spiked to 39.9°c. A junior doctor came and spoke to me in the evening and told me I need a platelet transfusion and that I'll be getting that soon. He then told me hes then going to attempt to put a canular in my arms so I can have IV antibodics and IV paracetamol. He tried 6 times and only 1 time was successful, which was in my right hand. The canular I had for my CT scan they removed as it didn't work and when they removed it was in the shape of a 'Z'. I had a platelet transfusion and they did another urine test as my wee was stinging, I then had some diazepam to cal me as he said that he was going to take my line out shortly, (I was shocked it was being taken out in the ward in my hospital room,). So he came back a little while later and said I'm coming to take your hickman line out. What he did was he gave me a general anesthetic in my chest then by manipulating the area and muscle around the Hickman line with blunt instruments to make it loose ready to come out, he then asked me to breathe in and then breathe out and then hold my breath while he pulled the hickman line all the way out. The diazepam still didn't work so I felt everything. Then he told me that I'll be having a picc line fitted another day. Later on I went to bed and only had 1 temperature in the night rather than constantly.

Week 2: day 9: tuesday 8th october 19:
last night I had one temperature at 0124am and another at 6am this morning which was a improvement as before I was constantly spiking temperatures all night and riggoring. I wanted to go to the look good feel good make up thing at the Big C 1330pm-1530pm I asked the nurse who said depending what my obs are like depends on whether I can go or not. I saw a junior doctor this morning and he said I look a bit better this morning, he said my tempetures have gone down loads as I've only had 2 bad ones since yesterday. My temperature today is sitting at 37.7°c which is a slight temperature but he said that it could be the fact that my Hickman line could of possible had sepsis so you have to wait over 24hours for the tempetures to fizzle out completely. But he told me that my temperature being 37.7°c is good for me as my tempetures were going through the roof. My xray results were normal and there wasn't anything to see on there that would suggest the reason for my kidney pain so he said it could be a serve urine infection or a kidney infection which he said they will see how I go over 24 hours with my IV antibodics and if not seeing any improvement they will up them to a higher dose. He told me my picc line is potentially being inserted tomorrow morning as they don't like to put them in straight away just in case I had a infection in the hickman line I had removed, but we will have to wait and see. 

Week 2: day 10: Wednesday 9th october 19:
Had my picc line fitted while still in my hospital room. A man and his 2 assistants came in with there ultrasound machiene and there trolley with all their bits and pieces on it. They moved my room around so they could fit their equipment in. They cleaned my table clear as they use it to put my arm on for the procedure of inserting my picc line. They put a sterile sheet etc, over me and put a tornadakay  around the top of my right arm tightly. The man then used the ultrasound machiene to find a appropriate and big enough vein for where the picc line will be inserted. He then measured how long the picc line needed to be ( with a paper tape messure). Whether the picc line was in my left or right arm they both go in the vein in the right side of the heart. He then used the ultrasound machiene again to find the place he wanted to go, he then numbed my arm/the area with anaesthetic and once it was numb he attached a small needle to the ultrasound machiene and once found where he wanted to go he put the needle into the vein. Then he put this hard thicker piece of plastic tubing in my arm so that he could thread a small piece of very thin metal wire through my vein and down in the bit of the right side of my heart. He then put the picc line over the thin metal wire (metal wire inside picc line now). Then they pushed the picc line in where it needs to be (I could feel pushing and tugging even though it numb). Once the picc line is where it should be the man removed the thin metal wire and the hard piece of plastic tubing and also removes all the other pieces of equipment used. Then he cleans the picc line area (wipes up the blood), and puts a aeroplane clip stuck to my arm (it's the thing that stops the picc line moving). Then he puts the rest of the dressing (clear dressing) over the aeroplane clip and picc. He then put a bandage over it for me as I didn't know how i felt about it. The junior doctor came and saw me and said that hes not giving me platelets today as mine are 27. But if I do need platelets another day there is some for me on the ward if I need them. He said he's glad I have had my picc line inserted and that it went ok. Also I had to have a scan on my tummy and kidneys. At 2048pm I woke up from my nap for a obs check, then I went to go for a wee and my urine looked like ironbru, and my tempeture is 40.5°c and I spoke to the nurses and they said they need to decide what they are going to do.

Week 2: day 12: friday 10th october 19:
At 1328pm today I was put on oxygen as my oxygen levels are low, the doctors sent me for another chest xray again today. They also took blood to test for all different infections to see if anything would show up. The doctors put me on another IV antibodic for my chest just in case and also another IV antibodic for my urine and kidneys just in case aswell. I had to have IV fluids aswell. At 1507pm dr lawes came and saw me with other junior doctors and he said they are hoping that when my blood levels start coming up (from when I had chemo) that things will start to improve and get better slowly. So far all tests and scans have come back normal and clear, so he said he wants me to have another xray at some point.

Week 2: day 14: Sunday 12th october 19:
Doctors took me of one of my antibodics today as it's made my bowels like water to the point I keep having accidents and it also making me physically sick too. The doctors said again that my blood counts are coming up which is good so everything should slowly start to improve and  get better. I feel very sick and tender today. I even blocked the hospital toilet because of how much I'm pooping 🤣🤣🤣.


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