1st time losing my hair: 2018:

Before I was diagnosed I never used to care what my hair looked like, I used to put it up in a pony tail or in a messy bun and leave it like it, sometimes I left it greasy for days, sometimes it used to get that's knotted and tangled that it would take me ages (hours) getting the knots out and some of that time I used to yank them out and didnt care on what the outcome. I used to wash my hair with shampoo only never conditioned it either. My hair used to be ever so long as I used to go like 5 years without going to a hair dressers. I never used to do nice things with my hair like put it in curls or even just wear it down unless it was a special occasion like a party or wedding where I might only straighten it but as soon as I was home it used to go straight up in my pony tail again. When I was diagnosed with my leukaemia I asked the question is my hair going to fall out I was told " 2 weeks after my first lot of chemo I would definitely lose my hair, eye lashes, eye brows, etc...